Photos From Australia (2010-03-21)

So we haven’t been posting much lately, not because things haven’t been happening, but because our ability to connect to the internet in Indonesia was so limited. Not to mention we’ve been a little busy traveling, surfing, meeting new friends, and partying. But we’re back in San Francisco now, and I’ve finally been able to upload a bunch of our photos from Australia. So here they are:

Keep an eye out for more back dated posts & photos from our trip to Myanmar and Indonesia.

Published by

Paul Wheeler

Paul is a Software Engineer now and then, and a pretty good one, but first and foremost he is an adventurer, and an intrepid soul.

One thought on “Photos From Australia (2010-03-21)”

  1. Just in case anybody is paying attention. Some things have improved now that I’ve switched to self hosting WordPress: the photo album widget above is my own creation using silverlight, and you can now authenticate your comments using an OpenId provider. Slick, huh?

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